Risk Control Open Forum Tuesday!
Sign up for the next Risk Control Open Forum, Tuesday, Feb. 22nd at 11 a.m. and enjoy an engaging discussion regarding Cal/OSHA regulations  and the associated implications to public entity employment practices. Join Patricia Eyres, Managing Partner of the Eyres Law Group, and Patrick Corcoran, Senior Safety Engineer with Cal/OSHA Consultation. See you then!
COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Law 
SB 114, effective February 19, 2022, entitles covered employees to a minimum of 40 hours of COVID-19 related supplemental paid sick leave (SPSL) in 2022. PRISM discussed SB 114 with Patti Eyres, Managing Partner of Eyres Law Group. Read more on PRISM's blog.
2021 ACFR Available
PRISM’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 is now available on the website. The report was prepared by PRISM and has been audited by independent auditors, Gilbert Associates, Inc., CPAs. The Affiliate Risk Captive’s (ARC) Audit Report is available as well. If you have any questions, or would like a copy of these reports on CD, please contact Ven Barrameda.

A Sneak Peek at what's...

Coming Soon banner outside of a theatre

Committee Meetings

Emp Bene, 2/17
Tech, 2/18
Underwriting, 2/23
Prop, 2/24
CRC2, 3/9
CRC, 3/11
GL2, 3/16
Prop, 3/23
Leg, 3/24
PWC, 3/30
COVID-19 Resource Page
Please remember to check the COVID-19 Resources page. There you will find links to important information, PRISM staff created articles and other resources. The page is updated regularly, so check back often.