Dental Program Declares $2M Dividend
The Employee Benefits Committee approved a $2M dividend for the PRISM Dental Fixed Rate PPO Segment members of record as of January 1, 2022. As a fully funded and reserved pool, now, more than ever, it is important to liquidate unrestricted surplus for the benefit or our members. Dividend notifications will go out after the first of the year, with checks following shortly thereafter. For questions, please contact Sidney DiDomenico, Director of Employee Benefits.
Face Covering or Respirator? Know the Difference
Can you tell the differences between respirators and face coverings? Some face covering manufactures are making products that mimic respirators and misrepresenting their capabilities, which has caused confusion and potentially puts users at risk. Learn more in the latest Risk Simplified!
PRISM Orientation
Join us via Zoom on Wednesday, April 27th at 9:00am for our annual PRISM Orientation! Want to learn more about the programs, services, and financial aspects of PRISM? The Orientation meeting will cover all of these topics and more. Some topics of discussion include: Financial Overview: Budget & Investments, Programs: Property & Casualty and Employee Benefits, Services: What can you use! Join us!
PRISM Hiring
PRISM is hiring! We are looking for a Sr. Workers' Compensation Specialist, Sr. Liability Claims Specialist, and a Liability Claims Specialist to join our team. If you know anyone who may be a good fit for these jobs, please direct them to our jobs page.

A Sneak Peek at what's...

Coming Soon banner outside of a theatre

Committee Meetings

Leg, 3/24
PWC, 3/30
CRC2, 4/6
CRC, 4/8
PRISMHealth, 4/14
Exec, 4/15
Finance, 4/20
Leg, 4/21

Med Mal, 4/28
COVID-19 Resource Page
Please remember to check the COVID-19 Resources page. There you will find links to important information, PRISM staff created articles and other resources. The page is updated regularly, so check back often.