Dental Program Declares $7M Dividend
The Employee Benefits Committee approved a $7M dividend for the PRISM Dental Fixed Rate PPO Segment members of record as of January 1, 2021. As a fully funded and reserved pool, now, more than ever, it is important to liquidate unrestricted surplus for the benefit or our members. Dividend notifications will go out after the first of the year, with checks following shortly thereafter. For questions, please contact Sidney DiDomenico, Director of Employee Benefits.
New Edition: Interactive Process Manual 
The 7th Edition of the Interactive Process Manual for California Public Agency Employers has just been released! As always the manual provides legal and policy guidelines, as well as customizable forms and checklists. Updates for this edition focused on how COVID-19 has affected the interactive process including; a 10-step process specifically designed for industrial injury claims, early return to work programs, and how to handle lingering COVID-19 symptoms.

Please contact the Risk Control Department at 916.850.7300 for password information to this exclusive resource.

The manual as developed specifically for PRISM members by Patricia Eyres, Managing Partner of Eyres Law Group as part of the Labor Law/Employment Practices Services Program available to all PRISM members.
Latest Risk Simplified: Insurance in RFPs
Is your entity in the process of doing a Request for Proposal?  One factor that can be overlooked in an RFP is the contract indemnity and insurance specifications. Read more in the latest Risk Simplified

Risk Management Practitioners

The Risk Management Practitioners Program from CPS HR Consulting will show you how to implement better risk management practices. Sign up today for these hybrid trainings for Spring 2021!

Committee Meetings

Executive, 12/10
CRC, 12/11
Prop, 12/17
Exec, 1/7
Mem Services, 1/20
Risk Control, 1/21
COVID-19 Resource Page
Please remember to check the COVID-19 Resources page. There you will find links to important information, PRISM staff created articles and other resources. The page is updated regularly, so check back often.
PRISM on LinkedIn
PRISM on LinkedIn
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