
(Re)entering a Physically Demanding Work Environment


Join Don Freeman, CEO of Occumetric, for an informative training created to help transition employees back into the workplace. Due to the unforeseen circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees traded their physically demanding jobs for something a little different. This time away from routine, physical tasks may have created a situation that could potentially result in an injured employee if he or she is not properly reacclimated to the job.  

During this live web training, employees will receive tips and tricks on:

•           Stretching and warming up before a shift

•           Understanding the weight of routine tasks

•           Consequences of heavy loads on the spine

•           Proper ergonomics during heavy lifts

•           Utilizing team lifts

Need More Info or Help?
We hope you can join us. Feel free to contact Doug McGill for more details.

Phone: (916) 850-7300

Event Type

Risk Control Training Seminar

Meeting Date

  • Tuesday, June 22, 2021
    1:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Webinar Information

Webinar Link

Webinar Location:
Zoom Video Training