PRISM Fast Facts

Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management: PRISM

  • PRISM was formed in 1979 as CSAC Excess Insurance Authority to find cost effective insurance solutions and risk management services for California Counties
  • Public Entities joined PRISM in 2001
  • Membership includes:
    • 95% of California Counties
    • 70% of California Cities
    • 10% of California Educational Organizations, Special Districts, Housing Authorities, Fire Districts, and 27 Joint Powers Authorities
  • PRISM has nine national participants through PRISM's captive insurance company, the Affiliate Risk Captive (ARC)
  • 9 major Coverage Programs in Workers' Compensation, Property, Liability, Health, Dental, Medical Malpractice, and Construction
  • 20 Miscellaneous and Ancillary coverage programs such as Vision, Cyber, Pollution and the ConcernPlus – First Responder Program
  • PRISM’s total estimated revenues for 2024/25 is nearly $2.3B and we have saved Members over $775M in the last five years

Member-Driven Organization

  • 16 Committees for the development, governance, oversight, and future direction of all programs and services
  • EAGLE (Exemplary Achievement in Government Leadership and Enrichment) Awards launched in 2017
  • Accredited with Excellence since 1989 by CAJPA
  • First JPA in California to receive the Government Finance Officers Association’s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting in 1994
  • AGRIP Recognition Award


  • Wide range of services available to Members, including Training and Risk Control, Risk Management tools, and Claims programs
  • Crisis Incident Management service including training and post-incident situation assessments and media consulting
  • POST Certified Trainings since 2019
  • Newsletters on safety topics, education, and claims
  • Risk Management services such as Legal Consultation, and Risk Management Practitioners Program

PRISM Fast Facts printable version