As we are in the midst of a series of winter storms affecting most of California it makes sense to assess for property damage and ensure facilities are ready for the next storm.
Pre-employment screenings for FMCSA regulated drivers can be completed entirely within the Clearinghouse starting on January 6th, 2023.
California Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Standards Board adopted a Non-Emergency COVID-19 Prevention Standard
AB 152, signed into law on September 30, 2022, makes two significant changes to the Labor Code.
Cal/OSHA considers Monkeypox a workplace hazard, therefore employers have a duty to protect their workers from the virus.
In order to help prevent injuries arising from vehicle operations, it is important to have in place and enforce an effective Fleet Management program
The next phase of the CA SMARTER PLAN is mitigation in schools which will focus on long-term prevention and preservation of safe in-person schooling.
When it comes to preventing work related musculoskeletal disorders, there are several steps to get any employer started.
What is "normal consumption" in the Labor Code? That's about to be defined.
In today's climate, K-12 agencies are challenged with an evolving and complex set of threats, hazards, and security challenges. Targeted school violence remains an ongoing problem across the United States, with tragedies affecting agencies and impacting the health and safety of our youth.
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