Risk Control is tracking proposals being considered by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board.
Handling employee terminations is a difficult task, but we have some resources to help you along the way.
Knowledge gained by workers increased when narratives and discussion questions were included as part of weekly safety training.
AB 2334 Occupational injuries and illness: employer reporting requirements: electronic submission was approved by the Governor on September 19th and goes into effect on January 1, 2019.
Sometimes referred to as a “claims index” or “index report” the ISO ClaimSearch system allows your claims team to generate a claims history report on a claimant.
Cal/OSHA CCR 3380, Personal Protective Devices, requires that employers assess the workplace to determine if hazards are present, or are likely to be present, which necessitate the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Agencies must document this process through a written certification.
Successfully tracking legislation and regulations is a chore, here are 3 free resources to make this task easier.
On April 30, 2018 Federal OSHA posted a trade release clarifying that regulations pertaining to State Plans require all affected employers to submit injury and illness data in the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) online portal.
During a large scale disaster, public employees may be reassigned as disaster service workers (DSW) to assist your agency in carrying out its emergency response duties.
Awareness is our first line of defense. We must identify conditions or aspects of the working environment that might put ourselves in the line of fire and consider how to prevent that risk.
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