
COVID-19: Legislation, Reporting Requirements, WC Coverage & Claims Handling Update
Posted by Jennifer Hamelin in COVID-19, Legislation, Workers' Compensation
September 15, 2020

Many legislative changes due to COVID-19 have occurred recently regarding Workers' Compensation coverage, claims, and claims handling. PRISM staff has complied this latest update of information on the changes.

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Did You Know...What Cal/OSHA May Ask For? COVID-19 Edition
Posted by Sarah Bruno in COVID-19, Did You Know?
August 19, 2020

We are hearing from PRISM members across the state that Cal/OSHA enforcement activity related to COVID-19 is prevalent. Read more about some specific areas of your written COVID-19 Prevention Plan that Cal/OSHA may want to evaluate.

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Did You Know...Not All Hand Sanitizer is Created Equal?
Posted by Sarah Bruno in COVID-19, Did You Know?
July 27, 2020

Can't wash your hands? Use hand sanitizer, just not the recalled ones! 

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Counterfeit N95 Respirator Advisory
Posted by John Nichols in COVID-19
July 22, 2020

NIOSH is warning consumers of the existence of counterfeit respirators and advising employers and employees to stop using them.

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Did You Know....How Cal/OSHA Reporting & Recording Works for COVID-19?
Posted by Sarah Bruno in COVID-19, Did You Know?, Risk Control
May 27, 2020

The Coronavirus has put into question many of our common workplace practices; conferences, group trainings, lunches and business travel. It has also created some questions and concerns around Cal/OSHA reporting and recording related to employees who become ill.

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Mitigating Hand Sanitizer Risks
Posted by Eric Lucero in COVID-19, Risk Control
May 21, 2020

Because sanitizer is ubiquitous, it is easy to forget its hazardous characteristics.

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Reopening Buildings and Legionella Risk
Posted by John Nichols in COVID-19, Risk Control
May 20, 2020

It is time to think about reopening and returning buildings to normal operations. Building closures or limited use during the COVID-19 crisis increases risk of bacteria growth in water systems and associated equipment.

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Breaking News on COVID-19 and Workers' Compensation Laws in California
Posted by Jennifer Hamelin in COVID-19, Legal Eye
May 07, 2020

Governor’s Executive Order of May 5, 2020: COVID-19 Workers’ Compensation Rebuttable Presumption

During Governor Newsom’s press conference yesterday, he announced that he has signed an Executive Order N-62-20 that provides workers’ compensation (WC) coverage for workers that contract COVID-19 as a result of their employment.

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Workplace Reopening Resources Added to COVID-19 Resources Page

Resources to aid in the transition to the next phase of reopening.

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Protecting Vacant School Buildings
Posted by Eric Lucero in COVID-19, Education
April 06, 2020

Most California schools will not reopen for the remainder of the school year, increasing property-related risks including theft and vandalism. Use the following tips to prevent these losses at your sites.

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