This logo lets members know which vendors have agreements in place with the EIA.
Every spring Cal/OSHA requires employers to post an annual summary of work-related injuries and illnesses using the Cal/OSHA Form 300A.
For agencies with safety sensitive positions that are subject to substance abuse testing, the designated employer representative (DER) has many important responsibilities.
The latest additions to the toolbox are two new Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Assessments found in the Risk Assessment Tool. There is a general assessment and one more specific to the school environment.
Effective September 18, 2017 employers must use an updated version of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification.
SB 96, which was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on June 27, 2017, will increase certain Cal/OSHA penalties.
We found the following FREE occupational safety and health related apps.
AB 119 was signed into law and requires union representation access to employees during new employee orientation.
Have you considered keeping all your policies separate instead of appendices or attachments to your Injury Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)?
Do you know what to expect when Cal/OSHA compliance personnel arrive? Here are some of the basics you need to know to prepare for an inspection.
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