Some PRISM members with drug and alcohol testing programs are finding it difficult to administer their programs in light of the pandemic.
We are hearing from PRISM members across the state that Cal/OSHA enforcement activity related to COVID-19 is prevalent. Read more about some specific areas of your written COVID-19 Prevention Plan that Cal/OSHA may want to evaluate.
Can't wash your hands? Use hand sanitizer, just not the recalled ones!
The Coronavirus has put into question many of our common workplace practices; conferences, group trainings, lunches and business travel. It has also created some questions and concerns around Cal/OSHA reporting and recording related to employees who become ill.
AB 203 requires that construction employers in counties where Valley Fever (coccidioidomycosis) is highly endemic provide training to all employees by May 1, 2020 and annually thereafter. In this legislation “highly endemic” is defined as having an incidence rate of greater than 20 cases per 100,000 persons per year. For information on 2018 California valley fever incidence rates by county click here.
Find out about the information that must be provided, the specific vehicle code, and where to get a checklist!
The Governor enacted 870 bills this legislative season, so we thought we would take this opportunity to highlight those bills related to health and safety that will take effect this coming January or have already been enacted.
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month!
New TargetSolutions courses to stay compliant with training requirements.
Each year in June, National Safety Month is celebrated across the country. This year we wanted to challenge EIA Members to celebrate in style!
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