California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) considers Monkeypox (MPX) a workplace hazard, therefore employers have a duty to protect their workers from the virus. Earlier this month Cal/OSHA posted its guidance document pertaining to the protection of workers from MPX under the Aerosol Transmissible Disease (ATD) Standard, California Code of Regulations, Title 8 Section 51199. The guidance does not impose new obligations on employers, but provides guidance for employers already covered by the ATD Standard. Employers not covered by Section 5199 are not discussed in this guidance but must protect their employees under the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (section 3203), sanitation requirements (section 3362), and other laws and regulations.

Monkeypox is a viral infection that can spread from infected humans, animals, and materials contaminated with the virus. Cal/OSHA’s guidance document notes that MPX is primarily spread by "close or direct contact with infectious rashes, lesions, scabs, or body fluids, but can also become airborne."

PRISM will continue to monitor Cal/OSHA actions and keep members informed of regulatory changes. For questions about this blog or PRISM's monitoring of Monkeypox regulations, please contact PRISM Risk Control.