Does your agency have a drug-free workplace policy? With remote work being an option for many employees at this time, it is essential that the drug-free workplace policy be expanded to include these remote workplaces.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are having difficulties staffing an adequate number of employees. Labs responsible for testing of specimens for the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program warn that their industry is facing this same challenge.
The EPA made significant changes to dust-lead clearance levels, as part of the its efforts to reduce childhood lead exposure.
Cal/OSHA has created a resource that helps to outline which tests or examinations may be able to be postponed.
As 2020 ended, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) finalized new rules for drones used in the workplace.
Employers with drivers subject to the Department of Transportation (DOT) Drug and Alcohol must participate in the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse which requires that Employers conduct at least one query per year for each regulated driver.
Cal/OSHA released guidance on strategies for optimizing the availability of respirators for wildfire smoke events.
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has announced a revision to the Custody and Control Form (CCF) used for drug and alcohol testing.
The Coronavirus has put into question many of our common workplace practices; conferences, group trainings, lunches and business travel. It has also created some questions and concerns around Cal/OSHA reporting and recording related to employees who become ill.
Because sanitizer is ubiquitous, it is easy to forget its hazardous characteristics.
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