Are you part of the Property Program? Your entity is eligible to apply for a Property Program Grant, which includes up to $25k per member, per fiscal year on a matching basis. Funds may be used for risk control programs and projects designed to reduce exposures associated with the Property Program.

Not sure if you have a project or program that qualifies for the Property Program Grant? One great way to use these matching funds is to protect vacant buildings. Any project that helps to reduce exposures with the Property Program qualify for the grant program. Here are some examples of projects that have been approved by the Property Committee for the grant in the past:

  • Installation of security systems and cameras
  • Security fencing, especially around vacant buildings
  • Installation and upgrades of fire alarms and fire suppression systems
  • Creating defensible space around buildings

This list of example projects is not all inclusive. All Property Program Grant applications are presented to the Property Committee for their consideration.

Applications should be submitted to the PRISM Risk Control Department by Dec. 14th to be considered at the next Property Committee Meeting. For additional information check out the FAQ’s and please do not hesitate to contact us.