Search Results
There are 465 item(s) tagged with the keyword "coronavirus".
Displaying: 21 - 30 of 465
- 21. Emergency COVID-19 Regulation Approved
California’s Office of Administrative Law approved the Cal-OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards for COVID-19 Prevention.
- 22. Minimizing Health Hazards from Disinfectants in Schools
As schools contemplate reopening, districts are encouraged to procure disinfectants that kill the coronavirus using the least hazardous active ingredient.
- 23. Sample COVID-19 Exposure Notifications
AB 685 effective January 1, 2021, requires written notice to various parties regarding potential exposure to COVID-19. Several members have reached out looking for samples, so we partnered with Patti Eyres, Managing Partner of Eyres Law Group.
- 24. COVID-19: How SB 1159 Works With your PRISM Workers' Compensation Coverage
SB 1159 provides a presumptive injury for employees who test positive for COVID-19 as a result of an industrial exposure providing they meet all of the presumption qualifiers outlined within the applicable section of the bill.
Pursuant to the PRISM Memorandum of Coverage (MOC), coverage would apply for employees who test positive for COVID-19 and meet all of the presumption qualifiers outlined within Sections 2, 3 or 4 of the bill.
- 26. COVID-19: Legislation, Reporting Requirements, WC Coverage & Claims Handling Update
Many legislative changes due to COVID-19 have occurred recently regarding Workers' Compensation coverage, claims, and claims handling. PRISM staff has complied this latest update of information on the changes.
- 29. Did You Know . . . How to Handle Drug and Alcohol Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Some PRISM members with drug and alcohol testing programs are finding it difficult to administer their programs in light of the pandemic.
- 30. Future Reporting of COVID-19 Claims to PRISM
Thank you to all the members and claims administrators for reporting all claims, both positive and negative, while we waited for the legislature to determine what would be included within the final piece of legislation.
Displaying: 21 - 30 of 465
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